Strong Happens 3.0 Advanced
Total cost: $179.00

Strong Happens 3.0 Advanced

12 Weeks / 4 Days Per Week / Advanced / Gym

Why Purchase

Strong Happens 3.0 Gym is another 12 weeks of new programming with advanced overload techniques as we have seen in Strong Happens 1.0 and 2.0 (advanced). You do not need to do these programs in order to be successful, however, for optimal results, we do encourage completing them in the order they were designed. This program requires 4 days in the gym with the workouts being around 60 minutes. A minimum of two years in the gym and being very comfortable with a barbell are prerequisites to this course. You should be in good health without any major injuries that you do not know how to work around. This program is designed to build muscle and help you break through training plateaus offering new overload methods every three weeks. If you are a seasoned gym goer- this program is for you! 12 weeks duration: 4 strength days per week with new programs rotating every three weeks.

About Hailey Happens Fitness

  • Hailey Happens Fitness Info and Support
    N1 Education, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, TRX Certified Trainer, Boutagy FItness Institute, Classical Pilates Instructor, Strong First Barbell Level 1 Coach, Boutagy Fitness Graduate

Over 20 years of fitness experience, now devoted to helping women in their 40s and beyond experience the benefits of strength training.

Strong Happens 3.0 Advanced
Total cost: $179.00

About Hailey Happens Fitness

  • Hailey Happens Fitness Info and Support
    N1 Education, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, TRX Certified Trainer, Boutagy FItness Institute, Classical Pilates Instructor, Strong First Barbell Level 1 Coach, Boutagy Fitness Graduate

Over 20 years of fitness experience, now devoted to helping women in their 40s and beyond experience the benefits of strength training.