Abs Happen 1.0 All Levels
Total cost: $49.00

Abs Happen 1.0 All Levels

8 Weeks / 4 Days Per Week / All Levels / Home or Gym

Why Purchase

If you are looking to strengthen your abs and your entire core encompassing the back and glutes this program is for you! There are 3 workouts each week with a bonus 4th day that is optional with new programming every two weeks! These ab workouts are fast (around 10 minutes in duration) and can be done alone or before/after your other scheduled workouts!

About Hailey Happens Fitness

  • Hailey Happens Fitness Info and Support
    N1 Education, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, TRX Certified Trainer, Boutagy FItness Institute, Classical Pilates Instructor, Strong First Barbell Level 1 Coach, Boutagy Fitness Graduate

Over 20 years of fitness experience, now devoted to helping women in their 40s and beyond experience the benefits of strength training.

Abs Happen 1.0 All Levels
Total cost: $49.00

About Hailey Happens Fitness

  • Hailey Happens Fitness Info and Support
    N1 Education, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, TRX Certified Trainer, Boutagy FItness Institute, Classical Pilates Instructor, Strong First Barbell Level 1 Coach, Boutagy Fitness Graduate

Over 20 years of fitness experience, now devoted to helping women in their 40s and beyond experience the benefits of strength training.